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Ambition T-Shirt Nursing Bras

our nursing bras defy the norms and stand out unapologetically with rose gold hardware, enveloping detail, and plunging necklines designed to be seen...

projectme ambition t-shirt range

basic doesn’t have to be boring with our range of ambition t-shirt bras. Sheer mesh overlay and underlay wraps the body in soft, supportive layers, while the clean lines of the microfibre cups vanish beneath clothing. Flexi-underwire and wire-free options allow you to choose the right level of support for your changing body. Rose gold signature hardware completes the look.

why projectme t-shirt bras

stay stylish and supported throughout your pregnancy with our ambition t-shirt bras hugging your body close in soft, supportive layers. 6 hook and eye adjustments allow more wiggle room than your standard bra, while discreet maternity clips provide easy pumping or feeding for your little one.

finding the right fit

finding the right bra to fit your changing body can be challenging. Your bra size may increase 3 - 4 times over the course of your pregnancy. For the ultimate in comfort, we recommend choosing a bra that sits comfortably beneath your bust, and flat across your back while not riding upwards. Pick one that doesn’t dig in or feel too tight, otherwise you might restrict the flow and amount of milk being produced.

Check out our Fit Me page and FAQs to check if you have the right size.